This is my June monthly post to update you on my latest news, exhibitions and upcoming events!
Firstly– today is a VERY exciting day because my end of Graduate Residence Exhibition with Eve McGlynn is now OPEN!! The exhibition is showing most of the work we have been making over the past year on our residency with Leith School of Art. We have been based at a Studio in Custom House, Leith and our exhibition is in the Custom House Gallery. It is open to the public from today 1– 4th July and by appointment only for the 5th – 11th July. This exhibition means so much to Eve and I because it feels like the Degree Show we never had – and it’s so lovely to have people physically be in the space!

Eve and I also had the exciting opportunity of going down to London earlier in the month where we managed to see lots of fantastic exhibitions. Personal highlights were; the Turner exhibition at Tate Britain, Chantal Joffe at Victoria Miro and the Gertrude Stein exhibition at the Nahmad Gallery.

It was also exciting to be able to get to Glasgow to see some of the exhibitions as part of the Glasgow International Festival. A highlight for me was seeing the Project Ability space and drawings by Robin Wise. The intensity of mark making and narratives created in the pieces were fantastic. I really loved seeing the Eva Rothschild exhibition at Aird’s Lane Gallery- there was a humorous film of children interacting with her sculptures in a gallery space which was really captivating and I could watch for ages!

June has been such an incredibly exciting month and it is so great to finally have exhibitions opening, and seeing work physically in a space.
July is looking equally busy and exciting – I have my first ever SOLO SHOW!! In Aberdeen I will be exhibiting with SecondHome Aberdeen from the 20th July – 31st August. I will also be running a workshop in Cyanotype – which you can book now if you are interested -
I will be exhibiting with SixFoot Gallery in Glasgow at the end of July with fellow painting graduates from Gray’s School of Art. This will be a lovely reunion of all of our work shown together in a space for the first time since our Pre Degree Show in Feb 2020.